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- Похудение
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- Гирудотерапия
- Маммология
- Сексопатология

подбор контактных линз москва проверка зрения

The wall of an eyeball will consist of three environments: external - very dense fibrous environment consisting of a cornea and склеры; average, vascular, and internal - a mesh environment (retina). Inside an eyeball are a crystalline lens and стекловидное a body. Chambers of an eyeball are filled with an intraocular liquid - an aqueous moisture. Подробнее...

Transparent elastic crystalline lens strongly refracting rays of light has the form of a biconvex lens. The crystalline lens has no vessels and nerves. Absence of a crystalline lens in Г. [after removal{distance} of a cataract or рассасывания an injured crystalline lens] refers to афакней. Подробнее...