Мануальная терапия
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- Пластическая хирургия
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- Похудение
- Облысение
- Гирудотерапия
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- Сексопатология

очки и контактные линзы диагностика

The forecast at Г. is always serious, and preservation of sight frequently depends on timeliness of diagnostics, observance of a mode and accuracy of treatment. Treatment Г. is carried out{spent} by the doctor - oculist. The average medical staff can carry out purposes{assignments} of it{him}. At sharp attack Г. are necessary often закапывания in a sick eye mystical (narrowing a pupil) means (2 % a solution пилокарпина, etc.), purpose{assignment} inside диакарба (фонурита) on 0,5-0,25 г or гли-церола (a mix of equal quantities{amounts} of glycerin and изотонического a solution of chloride of sodium) at the rate of 1-1,5 г glycerin on 1 kg of weight of a body of the patient, bloodsuckers on a temple, hot foot baths, salt laxative. If the attack is not stoped, operation (the patient it is necessary to direct to the specialized hospital) is necessary urgent антнглаукоматозная. Подробнее...

Indications to operation at Г. is стойко the raised{increased} intraocular pressure with progressing deterioration of visual functions, it is especial narrowing of a field of vision, despite of conservative treatment. The greatest distribution have received фистулизирующие operations. As a result of these operations the artificial way of outflow of an intraocular liquid from the forward chamber of an eye is created. The ambassador фис-тулизирующих operations on a place of a cut{section} склеры it is formed приподнятость конъюнктивы - a so-called filtrational pillow. On оперированный the eye bandage. A confinement to bed within 1-2 days. is more detailed... Подробнее...