конъюктивит контактные линзы
Infections of an eyeball in overwhelming majority of cases are caused skin стафилококками (S. epiderrnidis), less often by streptococci. Thus, besides local treatment, it is necessary парентеральное introduction цефалоспоринов or фторхинолонов. Подробнее...
In a cavity of an eyeball the small space limited to a back surface of a cornea, a forward surface радужки and the central part of a forward surface of a crystalline lens, refers to as the forward chamber of an eye; she{it} is executed by a transparent aqueous moisture. The periphery of the forward chamber of an eye, a so-called corner of the forward chamber, has great value in circulation of an intraocular liquid. The space limited to a back surface радужки, a peripheral part of a crystalline lens and an internal surface of a ciliary body, refers to as the back chamber; she{it} also is executed by an aqueous moisture which is the power supply бессосудистых fabrics of of a cornea, crystalline lens and стекловидного bodies. To auxiliary device G., except for muscles, concern веки and plaintive bodies Подробнее...