контактные линзы biomedix
At occurrence senile К. patients usually address with complaints to deterioration of sight. Beginning senile К. it is characterized by small downturn of sight and presence in a crystalline lens (comes to light at survey офтальмоскопом) штриховидных помутнений, going from his{its} periphery to the center (fig. 1); at unripe К. downturn of sight is more significant, that is connected to increase помутнений in a crystalline lens (fig. 2); mature К. it is characterized by sharp decrease{reduction} in sight (up to светоощущения) and turbidity of all substance of a crystalline lens which becomes серовато-white (fig. 3). Maturing senile К. proceeds usually 1-3 years and more. Подробнее...
Парабульбарное introduction of medicines is an injection through a leather{skin} of a lower eyelid on depth 1 sm in the direction of equator of an eye. The method is less painful{unhealthy} in comparison with субконыонктивальным introduction. Ретробульбарное introduction of medicinal substances is recommended at a pathology of an optic nerve, a retina. Under the certain indications medicinal substances (antibiotics, enzymes, glucocorticoids, etc.) can be entered into the forward chamber of an eye, in стекловидное a body, субхориоидально, ретроградно in an orbital artery (at гипопионах, гифемах, эндофтальмитах, гемофтальмах, infringements of blood circulation in vessels of a retina, an optic nerve). These manipulations carry out{spend} офтальмохирурги in conditions operational. Подробнее...