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кандидозная ангина

And, unfortunately, the most widespread method of removal{distance} кисты classical operation on верхнечелюстной to a bosom is traditional. Essence of operation in the following: the cut{section} under a lip then the forward wall of a bosom is opened is done{made} and through the received aperture leaves киста. Operation is enough травматична also brings to the patient significant discomfort that has essential value in the postoperative period. But the biggest lack of the given method that operation is carried out{spent} not physiologically, i.e. is broken integrity of walls of a bosom, the aperture imposed during operation is not closed by a bone fabric, and grows рубцами, that in a consequence breaks physiological properties of a mucous membrane which covers a bosom from within. Frequently such patients continue to complain of periodic discomfort in area верхнечелюстной bosoms, at them can рецидивировать antritises. It is possible to attribute{relate} to advantages of the given method only that it{he} does not demand attraction of the expensive equipment and can be lead{be carried out} in any ЛОР-HOSPITAL. Подробнее...

As it has been marked above, a basis of occurrence of an antritis is the hypostasis of a mucous membrane which blocks соустье between гайморовой a bosom and a cavity of a nose. Therefore the basic treatment should be directed on struggle against a hypostasis of a mucous cavity of a nose - it is necessary to provide good outflow separated of a bosom. In the work to me frequently falls at results of self-treatment of patients with an antritis. Believe - better it to not do{make}. So for example, there is an opinion that it is possible to accept simply antibiotics which now it is a lot of, and all will pass by itself. In some cases it really helps. But whether the patient completely recovers? Whether passes process in the chronic form? On this question I can tell the following: the antritis seldom passes in itself. In a basis of his{its} treatment local procedures - use of drops, спрэев, the inhalers, capable to remove a hypostasis of a mucous membrane should lay necessarily. Vasoconstrictive drops concern to such preparations: нафтизин, тизин, називин, санорин, ксимелин, назол, глазолин, " for a nose " and other analogues. By the way about закапывании. At an antritis it is necessary to adhere to the certain rules заливания in a nose of medical liquids. The patient should lie sideways then to drip vasoconstrictive drops in half of nose on which the patient lays - drops should get on a lateral wall of a nose. In such position it is necessary to be not less than 5 minutes. Then it is necessary to turn on other party{side} and to repeat procedure with other half of nose. Later still at least 5 minutes follow высморкаться. Only after use of these drops, it is possible to dig in others - possessing antibacterial, anti-inflammatory or anesthetizing effect. Подробнее...