контактные линзы acuvue 2
Quite often changes Г. can serve as initial symptoms of the general{common} disease (напр., frustration of sight at a tumour of a brain). Simultaneous defeat Г. and all organism (напр is sometimes observed., at a tuberculosis, a syphilis, токсоплазмозе, бруцеллезе, etc.). Pathological changes Г. can be consequences{investigations} (complications) of the transferred general{common} disease (a smallpox, a diphtheria). In very rare cases and the body of sight can be a source of disease of an organism (malignant tumours Г., a phlegmon of an eye-socket). For an establishment of the exact reason of disease Г. carrying out of some клиинко-laboratory researches is necessary depending on prospective disease. Sometimes make radiological research of area of an eye-socket, additional bosoms of a nose, a skull. If necessary use consultation of doctors of other specialities (the therapist, the neuropathologist, the pediatrist, etc.). Подробнее...
Transparent elastic crystalline lens strongly refracting rays of light has the form of a biconvex lens. The crystalline lens has no vessels and nerves. Absence of a crystalline lens in Г. [after removal{distance} of a cataract or рассасывания an injured crystalline lens] refers to афакней. Подробнее...