контактные линзы джонсон и
Diagnosis Д. can be put during definition of visual acuity at research by glasses. Degree Д. is defined{determined} by strongest of the collective lenses, giving the best sight. Visual acuity at Д. weak and average degrees can be normal; at Д. high degrees (5,0-10,0 D and is higher) visual acuity is lowered, despite of correction by glasses. Correction Д. is made by the convex glasses strengthening a refraction (fig. 2). At absence of correction by glasses at far-sighted easily arises астенопия and quite often the converging squint develops. Подробнее...
Currents of ultrahigh frequency (УВЧ) apply as thermal procedures at inflammatory diseases of the auxiliary device of an eye right at the beginning, during the period инфильтрации (a phlegmon of a plaintive bag, barley, an abscess of a century, дакриоаденит). Подробнее...