лечение кератоконуса
At occurrence senile К. patients usually address with complaints to deterioration of sight. Beginning senile К. it is characterized by small downturn of sight and presence in a crystalline lens (comes to light at survey офтальмоскопом) штриховидных помутнений, going from his{its} periphery to the center (fig. 1); at unripe К. downturn of sight is more significant, that is connected to increase помутнений in a crystalline lens (fig. 2); mature К. it is characterized by sharp decrease{reduction} in sight (up to светоощущения) and turbidity of all substance of a crystalline lens which becomes серовато-white (fig. 3). Maturing senile К. proceeds usually 1-3 years and more. Подробнее...
Treatment. Patients К. should be treated under the instruction{indication} of the doctor - oculist. Depending on kind К. appoint often washings конъ-юнктивального a bag of 2 % a solution of a boric acid, a solution оксицианида mercury 1 : 5000; закапывание 5-6 times in day of drops of one of the listed solutions: 30 % of a solution сульфацпла sodium, penicillin, неомицина пли a hydrochloride тетрациклина (solutions of antibiotics prepare at the rate of 10000 ЕД on 1 ml of solvent), 0,3 % of a solution синтомицина, 10 % of a solution сульфапиридазина sodium; закладывание for веки 3-4 times day of 1 % тетрациклиновой ointments. At diphtheritic К. patients are subject to isolation and treatment, as at diphtherias (sm). . Местно appoint lotions from a solution of permanganate калия 1:5000, закапывание 30 % of a solution суль-фацила sodium. At аденовирусных К. appoint antibiotics and сульф-аниламидные preparations inside, местно - 1 % тетрациклиновую or 0,25 % оксолиповую ointment of 3-5 times in day, закапывание a solution ДНК-ELEMENTS (дезоксирибонуклеазы), interferon of 5-8 times in day. At па-ратрахоме it is shown закладывание in an eye of 1 % тетрациклиновой to ointment, прп heavy current - antibiotics and сульфаниламидные preparations inside. Подробнее...