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кератоконус лазерная операция

Конъюнктива - connecting (mucous) environment Г. as a thin transparent film covers a back surface a century and a forward part of an eyeball atop склеры up to a cornea. When веки are open, конъюнктива forms as though a bag with a wide cut - an eye crack. At internal corner Г. settles down plaintive мясцо. Конъюнктива does not prevent mobility of an eyeball, it is transparent, smooth; in the field of a cartilage a century through it{her} appear through мейбомиевы железы. Possessing the rich neurovascular device, конъюнктива reacts to any irritations (конъюнкти-вальный a reflex) .Методы researches. One of the major symptoms of pathology Г. is downturn (or frustration) sight. Therefore at each patient with complaints to deterioration of sight check visual acuity. Подробнее...

Б. Can become complicated by defeat of a cornea with formation{education} of a purulent ulcer, in an outcome the cut is formed a cataract. Perforation of a cornea with development панофталъмита is possible, in an outcome ¬-рого there comes an atrophy of an eyeball and blindness. Б. adults proceeds much more hardly. Disease results from drift of an infection in an eye the polluted hands the patient with a gonorrhoea of urinogenital bodies пли is transferred associates through subjects of use of the patient (a bast, a towel, etc.). One eye, the same symptoms is usually amazed, as at Б. newborns, but is sharper expressed; heavy defeats of a cornea is more often are observed. Подробнее...