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Mechanical damages Г. can be rather various, from easy traumas a century up to traumas with размозжением an eyeball, wound of walls of an eye-socket and its{her} contents, the various combined wounds of a skull and G.Povrezhdenija of an eyeball can be superficial, not accompanying through wound of the external environment Г., penetrating; besides distinguish G.Oni's stupid{blunt} traumas arise basically from impact on Г. a processable detail, a stick, the jumped aside knot at cabin of fire wood, a fist, etc. At stupid{blunt} traumas Г. haemorrhages under конъюнктиву, in the forward chamber, in стекловидное a body can be observed. There can be отрыв радужки at its{her} root, so-called иридодиализ, a displacement of a crystalline lens, his{its} turbidity, having dug склеры. Superficial and penetrating damages of. Are rendered more often cutting or колющими by subjects, arise at explosions, can be accompanied by introduction of alien bodies in конъюнктиву, a cornea, склеру, and at penetrating wounds and in G.Odnim's cavity from the basic attributes of wound Г. the pain is. At superficial damages of a cornea the photophobia, слезотечение is marked, at damage конъюнктивы haemorrhages are possible{probable}. An attribute of penetrating wound Г. is the relative softness of an eyeball arising owing to the expiration of an aqueous moisture and стекловидного of a body. Depending on a degree of infringement of an integrity of external wall Г. the wound can gape, in it{her} environments Г., стекловидное a body, a crystalline lens can drop out. Frequently thus haemorrhages in a lobby камору and стекловидное a body are observed. At connection of an infection the purulent inflammation of панофталъмит can develop. Very heavy complication of penetrating wound Г. is disease of the second eye - so-called sympathetic офтальмия. Treatment of patients with trauma Г. should carry out{spend} врачокулист. Treatment of patients with penetrating wounds is carried out{spent} necessarily in eye hospitals. Average медработник at trauma Г. should drip in конъюнктивальный bag Г. of the victim of 30 % a solution of сульфацид-sodium (albucid), to impose a sterile bandage on Г. and urgently to direct the patient to the expert. Подробнее...
To begin in an iris of the eye (ирит), then to be distributed on цилпарное a body (циклит) or process simultaneously covers both environments - I.Irit develops is accompanied by a photophobia, слезотечением, pains in an eye, гиперемией конъюнктивы an eyeball and перикорнеальной an injection (гиперемия around лимба). Color and figure of an iris of the eye changes, the pupil is narrowed, the moisture of the forward chamber of an eye frequently becomes muddy, there are solderings between зрачковым edge{territory} of an iris of the eye and a bag of a crystalline lens (are well found out at expansion of a pupil). Подробнее...