Мануальная терапия
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- Пластическая хирургия
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- Похудение
- Облысение
- Гирудотерапия
- Маммология
- Сексопатология

операция на катаракту

Carrying out{Spending} инстилляции, take in the right hand a pipette, fixing its{her} big and index fingers. Having typed{collected} a medicine in a pipette, the left hand put a damp wadded ball to a lower eyelid, slightly delaying it{him}. From distance of 2-5 sm, not concerning a century and eyelashes, keeping a pipette кончиком downwards under a corner 45 °, dig in 1-2 drops. The patient on a short time interval closes веки then it is possible to continue инстилляции other medical products. It is necessary to avoid hit of medicines on a cornea as she{it} is very sensitive to change рН which arise at interaction of a medicine with a cornea before it will be dissolved by tear. Подробнее...

In a cavity of an eyeball the small space limited to a back surface of a cornea, a forward surface радужки and the central part of a forward surface of a crystalline lens, refers to as the forward chamber of an eye; she{it} is executed by a transparent aqueous moisture. The periphery of the forward chamber of an eye, a so-called corner of the forward chamber, has great value in circulation of an intraocular liquid. The space limited to a back surface радужки, a peripheral part of a crystalline lens and an internal surface of a ciliary body, refers to as the back chamber; she{it} also is executed by an aqueous moisture which is the power supply бессосудистых fabrics of of a cornea, crystalline lens and стекловидного bodies. To auxiliary device G., except for muscles, concern веки and plaintive bodies Подробнее...