глаукома медицина катаракта
Intramuscular introduction of medicines provides fast soaking up effect at use of water solutions and slow, supporting when preparations of the prolonged action are applied. This method of treatment is convenient for introduction of average volumes of a liquid, oil solutions and the preparations possessing some irritating action. Подробнее...
To occupational diseases of body of sight concern: a cataract of glass blowers, a cataract at the persons, exposed to influence of radioactive radiation, and also нистагм (involuntary маятникообразные movements Г.) at miners. Parasites Г. (цистицерк, эхинококк, etc.) meet extremely seldom. The basic attribute at intraocular localization is frustration of sight. The diagnosis establish after inspection (the general{common} н ophthalmologic). Treatment operative. Heavy diseases Г., and also can conduct traumas Г. finally to an atrophy of an eyeball. Thus Г. sharply decreases in size, сморщивается. Sight of it{him} appears equal to zero. Quite often such Г. delete, with the subsequent prosthetics Подробнее...