Mera-med | .ru |
огневая катарактаSharp infectious конъюнктивит. The activator can be Kokh's stick - Уикса, пневмококки, streptococci, a diphtheritic stick, etc. Process begins sharply strong резью in eyes, sensation of sand after centuries, occurrence plentiful separated of конъюнктиваль-ного a bag. Конъюнктива отечна, гиперемирована (fig. 1), sometimes happens swelled a century. At epidemic К., caused Kokh's by stick - Уикса, the inflammatory phenomena are expressed most sharply. Usually both eyes are amazed. Defeat of a cornea is possible. Disease very much контагиозно, is distributed mainly in the countries with жаркпм a climate. Подробнее... At chronic Г. appoint закапывания in конъюнктивальный a bag of mystical means: 1, 2 and 6 % a solution пилокарпина, 0,25 % a solution эзерина, 0,5 % a solution about - зерина (on 1-2 drops of 1-6 times in day), 0,02 % a solution фосфакола, 0,005 % a solution армина (on 1-2 drops 2 times day are not $more often), etc. Inside appoint днакарб (фонурит) on 0,125-0,25 г 2-3 times day. Apply various vitamins (В1, B2, B6, В12, With, РР) and other means. Подробнее...
Смотри также:офтальмология катаракта начальная лечение алкогольная и наркотическая зависимость детский острый лимфобластный лейкоз |