удаление катаракты москва
Transparent elastic crystalline lens strongly refracting rays of light has the form of a biconvex lens. The crystalline lens has no vessels and nerves. Absence of a crystalline lens in Г. [after removal{distance} of a cataract or рассасывания an injured crystalline lens] refers to афакней. Подробнее...
Субконъюнктивальные and периокулярные injections (парабульбарные, ретробульбарные) use at an inflammation of forward and back pieces of an eye (склериты, кератиты, иридоциклиты, нейроретиниты). However such way of introduction of medicines has some restrictions (a pain, toxicity, restriction of volume of an entered preparation, scarring and even некроз mucous in the field of an injection). Подробнее...