терапевтическое лечение катаракты
Treatment should be directed against causing И. the reasons and is carried out{spent} under the instruction{indication} of the doctor - ophthalmologist. Very much the great value has local treatment. At an establishment of the diagnosis it is necessary (only under the instruction{indication} of the doctor!) for expansion of a pupil закапывание 1 % of a solution of sulfate of atropine 5 times day (пли 0,25 % of a solution a ско-floor амина). Besides appoint 0,5-2,5 % of suspension гндрокортизона 5-6 times day, on a leather{skin} of a temple on the part of a sick eye put two bloodsuckers, approximately - dry heat. Подробнее...
Indications to operation at Г. is стойко the raised{increased} intraocular pressure with progressing deterioration of visual functions, it is especial narrowing of a field of vision, despite of conservative treatment. The greatest distribution have received фистулизирующие operations. As a result of these operations the artificial way of outflow of an intraocular liquid from the forward chamber of an eye is created. The ambassador фис-тулизирующих operations on a place of a cut{section} склеры it is formed приподнятость конъюнктивы - a so-called filtrational pillow. On оперированный the eye bandage. A confinement to bed within 1-2 days. is more detailed... Подробнее...