дальтонизм черно белое монохромазия зрение
To wash out конъюнктивальную a cavity it is possible a jet from a pipette (surplus of a liquid thus follows outside) or a sterile syringe with blunted, it is dense насаженной a needle (allows to use the strong jet of a liquid directed both in bottom, and in the top arch конъюнктивального of a bag). Подробнее...
To not steroid anti-inflammatory preparations concern бутадион, реопирин, ибупрофен, indometacin. They ингибируют biosynthesis простогландинов, surpassing in this respect ацетилсалициловую an acid. Them apply at inflammatory processes of an eyeball, traumas of an eye, in the postoperative period. Appoint in tablets or as intramuscular injections. Подробнее...