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близорукость восстановление зрения

The means narrowing a pupil (миотики), use at a glaucoma, short-sightedness with weakness of accommodation, аккомодативной астенопии, a thrombosis of the central vein of a retina with a view of the prevention{warning} of a secondary glaucoma, dry кератоконъюнктивите (syndrome Сьефена). Distinguish two basic groups миотиков which differ on the mechanism of action. Them quite often apply in a combination to amplification{strengthening} гипотензивного effect at patients with a glaucoma. To the first group carry холиномиметические preparations. Подробнее...

Склера, consisting of dense collagenic fibres, it is opaque, poor blood vessels. The forward part склеры is covered конъюнктивой. On border of connection склеры with a transparent cornea is present superficial желобок in the width ок. 1 mm, so-called лимб. A cornea - transparent бессосудистое formation{education}, in the optical attitude{relation} working similarly to strong convex glass. She{it} possesses very high sensitivity a plenty of the nervous terminations{endings} located basically in its{her} superficial layers. Подробнее...