Мануальная терапия
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лечение близорукости в мо скве

Washing of eyes (the bottom arch) with the help ундинки (a vessel such as a glass teapot with носиком) is made from height of 20-30 sm above an eye. Washing with the help of a glass eye tray is applied both to clearing конъюнктивального a bag, and for long influence on конъюнктиву and a cornea by medicinal substances. The eye tray is filled by a solution for washing. The patient undertakes the right hand a leg of a tray, inclines a head downwards and densely presses edges{territories} of a tray to a leather{skin} a century. Keeping one hand a tray in such position, it{he} slowly throws back a head back then opens an eye and does{makes} мигательные movements that promotes penetration of a solution in конъюнктивальный a bag. Other hand the patient keeps почкообразный тазик or a towel under the bottom jaw. It is necessary on a case подтекания a solution from a tray. Upon termination of washing the patient again inclines a head forward and cleans{removes} a tray. Подробнее...

Vitamin В1 (тиамин) apply at degenerations of a retina, a pathology of an optic nerve, кератитах, a glaucoma. Appoint in tablets on 0,002 г or intramuscularly on 1 ml of 3 % and 6 % of solutions. Vitamin В2 (рибофлавин) apply at блефаритах, рецидивирующих barleys, кератитах, ulcers of a cornea. Appoint in tablets on 0,005 г and as eye drops of 0,01 % a solution. Vitamin B6 (пиридоксин) apply at a pathology of a retina, an optic nerve, inflammatory diseases of eyes. Appoint in tablets on 0,005 г or intramuscularly on 1 ml of 1 % and 5 % of solutions. Подробнее...