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лечение близорукости больницы

At imposing a binocular bandage first two rounds of bandage are carried out{spent} the same as and at imposing монокулярной bandages, and the first round on a forehead fixes the top edges{territories} of both ватно-gauze linings. The third round is carried out{spent} from top to down наперекрест with the second, under an auricle of the opposite party{side}. Then the bandage is carried out{spent} on all three directions some more time while ватно-gauze linings completely will not be closed by him{it}. The unit needs to be fastened sideways or on a forehead. The bandage should not be hard. Not hard bandage allows to enter a finger between bandage and мочкой an ear, otherwise she{it} needs to be weakened. Подробнее...

Субконъюнктивальные and периокулярные injections (парабульбарные, ретробульбарные) use at an inflammation of forward and back pieces of an eye (склериты, кератиты, иридоциклиты, нейроретиниты). However such way of introduction of medicines has some restrictions (a pain, toxicity, restriction of volume of an entered preparation, scarring and even некроз mucous in the field of an injection). Подробнее...