Мануальная терапия
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пьянство алкоголизм

On a direction of use cocaine inhale a nose (a powder and pairs) or smoke (paste and a crack). Sometimes use combinations to heroin and морфином. Cocaine addicts accept a drug on three - four times day. At the use the teenager tests оргазмический splash. There is a power splash, painful sensations become dull, paints become brighter, sounds are muffled. To external attributes on which distinguish reception of cocaine, it is possible to attribute{relate} some unsteadiness of the gait, the greased speech, fine trembling радужки an eye, impellent anxiety, infringements of dream and appetite. There is a garrulity, self-confidence, sexual расторможенность. The cancellation of a drug causes a tremor (trembling) language, a century, the extended hands, a nausea and vomitting, tachycardia, a high pressure, a headache. There can be visual hallucinations (to the teenager will seem, that someone climbs in a window, stands up for a door) or tactile hallucinations (to it{him} it seems, that on a body bugs, cockroaches creep, bugs). At times there are ideas of prosecution, influence on them of the psychotropic weapon and so on. The list of narcotic preparations resulted here, naturally, does not settle{exhaust} that gentlemen's set which walks on the country, but is most distributed. If you have found out, that to mountain has come to your house, that your child accepts drugs, try to reflect, why it{he} does{makes} it, that pushes it{him} on a way of self-destruction, what role in it is played by family and you. At the moment physicians can make not so much - to remove{take off} ломки, to try to clear blood. But there will be a psychological dependence. To get rid of it{her} to your child anybody, except for you, will not help. Подробнее...

Therefore if to speak about disposal of alcoholic dependence - it is necessary, as well as in case of any narcotism, to define{determine} the reason of occurrence of bent for for alcoholic drinks. If there is a pharmacological dependence on alcohol - she{it} should be eliminated (to deduce{remove} from hard drinking), but it does not mean disposal, those problems which force the alcoholic again are solved yet and again " to climb in a bottle " in the most direct sense of a word. Подробнее...