эксимер лазерерн близорукость
Distinguish two clinical forms of primary: stagnant and simple. At stagnant Г. periodically there are pains in the field of an eye, затуманивание sight, vision of iridescent circles around of a light source; at survey changes in a forward department of an eye - гиперемия vessels, some puffiness of a cornea, expansion of a pupil are found out. Simple Г. long time proceeds бессимптомно and it is found out at survey by decrease{reduction} in visual acuity, narrowing of a field of vision. Подробнее...
Infections of an eyeball in overwhelming majority of cases are caused skin стафилококками (S. epiderrnidis), less often by streptococci. Thus, besides local treatment, it is necessary парентеральное introduction цефалоспоринов or фторхинолонов. Подробнее...