лазерная стимуляция при близорукости
For this exercise it is required to prepare a pure{clean} sheet of a white paper preliminary. In the center of a sheet a felt-tip pen or a color pencil to draw a green point in diameter 1 - 2 millimeters. Having fixed a sheet of a paper before itself it is strictly perpendicular to a line of a sight on distance of 33 centimeters, continuously to look at a green point in the center of a sheet within 10 minutes, trying to consider her{it} as it is possible better. The distance of 33 centimeters is optimum distance for reading, therefore it should necessary to be observed. During performance of exercise in no event it is impossible to tear off eyes from a green point in the middle of a sheet. At School of Fast Reading this exercise is used for training peripheral sight which allows to see all page simultaneously. After performance of exercise to give eyes to have a rest 3 - 4 minutes, observing the above-stated recommendations. Подробнее...
Constant carrying of sunglasses results in occurrence of a photophobia (photophobia) when even that quantity{amount} of light which easy maintains a normal eye, results in pains in eyes from which dark glasses have removed{have taken off} habitual him{it}. Besides carrying of glasses with the glasses painted in various colors quite often causes so-called послеэффект, shown in infringement for rather long time of correct color perception{recognition} of the world. Подробнее...