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республиканский центр профилактики и лечения близорукости

Peripheral sight (field of vision) is defined{determined} with the help of the special device - perimeter. At people of some trades (drivers, drivers of trains, etc.) necessarily define{determine} colour sensation by means of special tables. Ability Г. to perceive light and to distinguish various degrees of his{its} brightness ability to adapt to different brightness of illumination - refers to светоощущением, and adaptation of an eye. Adaptation define{determine} the special device - адаптометром. Frustration of tempo adaptation (its{her} delay) carries the name гемералопии Подробнее...

According to theory Бэйтса, the reason of occurrence of anomalies of a refraction is the pressure{voltage}. At миопии this effort to see the removed objects, at гиперметропии near. Glasses only correct anomaly of a refraction, but do not eliminate the reason of its{her} occurrence. Надев glasses, short-sighted on former on a habit will strain to see far located subjects, and гиперметропик and in glasses will continue to put effort to see, for example, letters. Thus, sight will continue to worsen and in glasses. Many people, likely, noticed, that after once надели glasses, sight without them it became appreciable worse. And it not the subjective sensation caused by transition from good sight in glasses to bad without them. Check at the oculist confirms, that sight actually has worsened. In result to the person new glasses with stronger lenses leave. As the pressure{voltage} continues to take place, moreover with accumulation of effect in due course it is possible to notice, that frequency of change of glasses on new grows every year. Подробнее...