Mera-med | .ru |
близорукость линзыThe general{common} treatment is applied in connection with that illnesses of eyes frequently are consequence{investigation} of the general{common} diseases - cardiovascular, a metabolism, nervous system, blood, infectious, etc. Antibiotics concern To means of the general{common} treatment, сульфаниламиды, vitamins, means of fabric therapy, cardiovascular, дегидратационные, antisclerous, etc. They are applied inside or as hypodermic, intramuscular and intravenous injections. Подробнее... On a stage of process allocate initial, advanced, it is far зашедшую, almost absolute and absolute G.Pri initial Г. visual acuity and a field of vision are not changed. Advanced Г. it is characterized by narrowing of a field of vision on 15-20 °; at far зашедшей Г. there is more significant narrowing a field of vision usually with носовой the parties{sides}. Almost absolute Г. it is characterized by the lowered sight, and it is kept only from the temporal party{side}, at absolute Г. is absent even светоощущение. Deterioration of visual functions at Г. is connected with атрофическнми changes in an optic nerve. Подробнее...
Смотри также:неполная коррекция близорукости неврология расшифровка диагнозов лечение нехимической зависимости клиники |