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профилактика близорукости

One more aspect of harm of carrying of glasses with optical lenses is marked in C.L.Tomsona's work. It{he} writes: *Нормальная, the healthy muscle remains those only in case she{it} is frequently started up in business and if its{her} amplitude of movement is used completely. Any muscle which is used only in a small part of its{her} amplitude, is predisposed to утере abilities is high-grade to move. In this aspect glasses in part harmful as instead of watching or looking{keeping up or looking} behind any object only eyes, the tendency to move is observed by a head. Eyeballs, thus, be relative обездвиживаются, and their muscles and blood circulation suffer as a result of a divergence. Told by Thomson especially truly when speech comes about monotonous work in glasses on close distance, for example, reading. In these cases of an eye are borrowed{occupied} with identical movements practically in the same direction (to the left - to the right) and with the small amplitude limited in width of a line in the book. For indemnification of a pressure{voltage} arising at it special exercises are developed. Подробнее...

Currents of ultrahigh frequency (УВЧ) apply as thermal procedures at inflammatory diseases of the auxiliary device of an eye right at the beginning, during the period инфильтрации (a phlegmon of a plaintive bag, barley, an abscess of a century, дакриоаденит). Подробнее...