Мануальная терапия
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- Гирудотерапия
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- Сексопатология

наркотическая интоксикация

That fact, that at your child appeared a syringe ("machine"), already in itself is a serious occasion for anxiety. At once search for traces from injections on hands, legs{foots}, in axillary hollows. The narrowed pupils, pallor of a leather{skin} and dryness of a mucous membrane of eyes will prompt you, that the drug was accepted recently. Accustoming to a drug occurs rather quickly so, there is a need{requirement} to increase a doze, and, probably, shortly you will periodically search for the disappeared money or things. If a drug to not find, can develop ломка. You learn{find out} her{it} to the following attributes: the strong desire to accept a drug - the teenager rushes, does not find to itself a place, it{him} it is difficult to keep houses. There is original чихание, sometimes a bleeding from a nose, a look disturbed, pupils are expanded almost in all радужку, the sight becomes as "обдолбанный". Sometimes there is слезотечение, a nausea, vomitting, wild pains in joints. All these of "charm" are observed already after monthly « sitting on a needle ». Early diagnostics when business has not gone yet too far, it is possible to count infringement of dream, a constant зевоту, | sensation of a fever, increase of an intimate rhythm and increase of pressure, потливость, irritability, senseless counteraction to any requests, differences of mood. Strictly speaking, presence of traces from injections already sufficient basis for unfavourable conclusions. Подробнее...

Rather popularly among deprived youth inhalation паров a various kind of substances. Glue "Moment", aerosols, solvents of type 646, pairs gasoline, nitrites and others inhaled of a polyethylene or paper package; sometimes them inhale in a mix with alcohol. Appear euphoria (the raised{increased} mood), ease, weightlessness, world around starts to be dissolved. To distinguish hobby of a similar sort it is possible at early stages. It first of all a tube of glue in a pocket, the characteristic smell proceeding from the teenager, затуманенность in a look, delay of impellent reactions and speeches. Last becomes маловыразительной, languid or confused and too fast. The teenager eternally drives in dream, it{he} is indifferent to that before it{him} vividly interested. Even appearance gradually ceases to excite it{him}. As the brain all are broken his{its} maximum{supreme} functions suffers first of all: memory, attention, thinking of the teenager is impoverished, уплощается, it{he} grows stupid on eyes literally. Thus there is a high self-estimation. His{its} progress at school is reduced, it{he} starts to clash with teachers, considering, that those are not capable to estimate it{him} as the person. You can be sure, that your child capable and simply is lazy to study, actually it{he} cannot any more is high-grade to be engaged, as cells{cages} of a brain perish in a plenty. You will start to notice, that the mood at your child constantly varies, passing from sudden excitation or even aggression to full apathy, drowsiness on a depressive background. Appetite is lost, dream is broken, the teenager can complain of an itch in носовых courses and in a mouth. It is far from being everyone feel pleasure from the first inhalation of similar preparations. The part of teenagers can feel a nausea, vomitting, a headache, frightening hallucinations. Подробнее...