Мануальная терапия
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лечение герпетического кератита

Anesthetics apply in eye practice at removal{distance} of alien bodies and various operative interventions, at measurement of intraocular pressure. The strongest local anesthetizing action possesses дикаин - 0,5-1 % a solution. Anesthesia comes through 2-3 mines and proceeds within 10 minutes. At some persons the raised{increased} sensitivity a preparation is marked. Use also новокаин - 1 %, 2 %, 5 % solutions; тримекаин - 1-3 % solutions. Подробнее...

To begin in an iris of the eye (ирит), then to be distributed on цилпарное a body (циклит) or process simultaneously covers both environments - I.Irit develops is accompanied by a photophobia, слезотечением, pains in an eye, гиперемией конъюнктивы an eyeball and перикорнеальной an injection (гиперемия around лимба). Color and figure of an iris of the eye changes, the pupil is narrowed, the moisture of the forward chamber of an eye frequently becomes muddy, there are solderings between зрачковым edge{territory} of an iris of the eye and a bag of a crystalline lens (are well found out at expansion of a pupil). Подробнее...