Mera-med | .ru |
лазер стоматология косметологияНастои and broths are the elementary water extraction of biologically active substances. Leaves, a grass, цветки finely cut; кожистые leaves crush in a powder; roots and cut rhizomes or дробят, using a mortar, a coffee grinder. Fine цветки, seeds and fruits take the whole. Настои usually prepare from elevated parts of plants - цветков, некожистых leaves, a grass, inflorescences and the majority of fruits and seeds; broths - from more rough parts - dense leaves, roots, rhizomes and a bark. Exception is made with the plants containing radio oils, from them prepare only настои to reduce losses of aromatic substances at кипячении. Подробнее... Action of clay is caused in the big degree by its{her} mineral structure. In some kinds of clay silicon, in others - aluminium, in the third - manganese prevails. Silicon positively influences on эпидермис, gives flexibility to vessels, stimulates growth of hair, an exchange липидов, formation{education} of collagen and a bone fabric. Aluminium possesses антацидными, drying and knitting properties, manganese - дезодорирующим and drying effect. But bleaching and clearing properties of clay are in the best way known. Подробнее...
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