консультация косметолога
Masks prepare directly ahead of their application from one or a mix of several plants, frequently adding in them for other components (honey, a yolk, fiber, a flour{torment}, starch, sour cream, milk, etc.). Masks after massage or a compress are especially effective. They are rendered from below upwards usually for 15-20 minutes. Dense masks smear on the person or a neck with a wadded tampon, a brush or fingers. At more liquid use a gauze combined in some layers (with apertures for eyes, a mouth, a nostril), or cotton wool which impregnate with juice, broth, настоем, tincture or put on them rather thin кашицу. Area around of eyes leave free, grease with a cream or impose ватку, moistened настоем tea or other plants. In a week do{make} usually 1-3 masks for a feed{meal} of a leather{skin}, on a rate of 12-15 masks (in more detail structure, application and technics{technical equipment} of imposing of masks are given at the description of separate plants). Подробнее...
Medical action of many kinds of plants is connected to presence in them of various biologically active substances. They are formed during ability to live of plants and effectively influence processes of an exchange in cells{cages} of a leather{skin}, render strong antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobic, calming, knitting, tonic, softening action. These substances have various structure and concern to various classes of chemical compounds - sugar, organic acids, radio and fat oils, vitamins, фитонциды, mucous and tannins, pitches, сапонины, алкалоиды, mineral substances, etc. They are in plants in the certain parities{ratio} which were formed during evolution at interaction of a vegetative organism with an environment. And advantages of vegetative means consist in it in comparison with the preparations received by synthesis or allocation from plants. Подробнее...