Мануальная терапия
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- Гирудотерапия
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- Сексопатология

уплотнение на коже

Cucumber polished on a fine grater to mix from a dining room the spoon of any nutritious cream and to put on the person for 15-20 minutes. It is recommended at a dry and normal leather{skin}. Подробнее...

Cosmeticians assert{approve}, that the choice of this or that kind of clay depends on a problem of the patient, and also in many respects from a condition of his{its} leather{skin}. The clay mixed with water, quickly hardens, and as soon as she{it} loses a moisture, its{her} humidifying effect on a leather{skin} is levelled, she{it} narrows time and dries a leather{skin}. Such mask can be unsuitable for dry and the more so sensitive leather{skin}. Therefore обладательницам a normal, dry or sensitive leather{skin} it is better to use clay masks on эмульсионной to a basis - ready cosmetic products. They щадяще operate on a leather{skin}, keep a moisture better and possess more expressed humidifying effect. Подробнее...