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кожные проявления герпеса

The term " a mycosis stop " (brushes) unites basically two этиологически various diseases with an originality of clinic, патогенеза and the approach to their therapy. It is a mycosis caused by mushroom Trichophyton rubrum, disease still refers to руброфития or рубромикоз, and a mycosis caused Trichophyton mentagrophytes var. interdigitale. Less often a mycosis stop is caused by other activators - дрожжеподобными mushrooms of sort Candida, Epidermophyton floccosum and плесневыми mushrooms. Quite often there is a mixed infection - 2, 3, sometimes 4 activators. The basic activator now is Trichophyton rubrum which is allocated in 60-90 % of cases. Подробнее...

Эпидемиология. Microsporum canis concerns to зоофильным to mushrooms and parasitizes on a leather{skin} of cats or dogs. Infection occurs basically at contact to a sick animal or through the subjects infected with their wool. Infection from the person is observed extremely seldom, on the average in 2 % of cases. For disease seasonal prevalence that is connected mainly with эпизоотиями микроспории among animals, and also seasonal changes of a life of the population (migration, improving establishments) and природно-climatic conditions is characteristic. Микроспорией болеют mainly children, at adults disease meets less often. Last years began to register patients with chronic current of a mycosis on a background of heavy system defeats - red волчанка, chronic гломерулонефрит, and also an immunodeficiency, an intoxication. Подробнее...