заболевания кожи головы
Tannins, or танниды, possess bactericidal, knitting and anti-inflammatory action, tone up a leather{skin}, calm irritation. Are useful at fat себорее persons, pimpled and широкопористой to a leather{skin}, are applied to strengthening hair, at потливости. Contain in a bark of an oak, a grass зверобоя, полыни bitter, a rhubard, a sage, medicinal, a yarrow, etc. Подробнее...
Usually the period of storage цветков, leaves and a grass does not exceed 1-2 years, fruits - 2-3 years. And rhizomes 3-5 years are possible to store{keep} a bark, roots. However in domestic conditions not always it is possible to provide optimum conditions of storage (temperature, humidity of air), and it conducts to damage of vegetative raw material. In this case it is not recommended to store{keep} raw material of more year. Подробнее...