геникология герпес
Preparation "Эхнабел" contains Belladonna Д4 and Д10 (Беладонна) and Echinacea agustifolia Д10 and Д30 (Эхинацея узколистная). Подробнее...
Efficiency антигистаминных preparations I of generation is established for a long time. Their medical action begins quickly, within 15-20 minutes. However, possessing a number{line} of collateral properties and тахианафилаксией, them supersede антигистаминные preparations II and III generations more and more. Duration of course treatment антигистаминными preparations depends on a degree of weight атопического дерматита. At the heaviest displays атопического дерматита use парентеральное introduction антигистаминных preparations, at easy and среднетяжелом current are limited to reception пероральных forms. Подробнее...