Мануальная терапия
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лечение кожи головы

In a tea cup of fresh milk to take half an hour some slices of a cucumber, then milk to filter and use for wiping a dry leather{skin}. 2-3 days are possible to store{keep} it{him} in a refrigerator. Подробнее...

Imagine: summer, a country small house, our loved{liked;favourite} 6 соток on which any necessary vegetables grow. Morning. We leave on крылечко, is sweet we stretch, we look on the parties{sides} and we see, that the parsley was born on glory. Juicy, green. And anybody has not trodden her{it}. Have picked a huge bunch{beam}: both for soup, and for salad, and for seasonings. Have overdone, too much parsley have picked? Anything terrible: it is high time to indulge with the rest of greens of a parsley a leather{skin}. Simply and quickly we prepare for a mask for the person, in fact for it{her} any complex{difficult} components it is not required, the parsley is so useful in itself, that in domestic cosmetics of her{it} seldom mix with something else. Подробнее...