клеточная технология волос
Tinctures are extracts of herbs which receive by their insisting on vodka or on spirit. For preparation of tinctures the crushed plants place in glass to bank, a bottle, fill in spirit or vodka, закупоривают and maintain at room temperature not less than 7-10 days. Then merge, the rest is wrung out also by everyone filter through a gauze combined in two layers, or through a filtering paper. Store{keep} tinctures at room temperature in well corked utensils from a dark glass, in the place protected from a sunlight. For the majority of tinctures prepare in соотнощении 1:5 or 1:10 (i.e. on 1 part of raw material 5 or 10 parts of spirit or vodka undertake). Подробнее...
At the pale withered leather{skin} it is recommended кашицу to mix from a polished cucumber with a teaspoon of honey. To put on the person for 20 minutes, to wash off warm water. The mask well has a leather{skin}. Подробнее...