Мануальная терапия
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проксимальный межфаланговый сустав

The essence дискогенной illnesses will be, that as a result of functional blockade (ФБ) of intervertebral joints fine tuning пульпозного nucleus of a disk under the centre of gravity is broken, there is his{its} displacement (more often кзади) to constant pressure upon the fibrous ring, resulting{bringing} to his{its} progressing деструктирующим to changes, выпячиваниям, to breaks, partial or full losses пульпозного nucleus in the спино-brain channel (протрузия, проляпс - so-called hernias МПД). These processes сопровождаютя a jet inflammatory hypostasis, vessels - дискорадикулярным the conflict. The clinical picture of suffering is caused as a stage and a degree of defeat, localization of break of a ring, and level МПД - interest concrete корешка. In a result it always the expressed unilateral painful syndrome with иррадиацией in a leg{foot} (люмбоишиалгия) with attributes of loss - decrease{reduction} in sensitivity and reflexes of zones иннервации it корешком. Подробнее...

In Ancient Egypt used влагалищным a tampon impregnated with broth of an acacia and honey. In some districts with the big effect applied steam baths. Besides according to oral legends, women in the contraceptive purposes used помет the crocodile. In Rames-seum papirus his{its} position in the arch of a uterus has been precisely described. Подробнее...