Мануальная терапия
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все о восковой эпиляции

Tincture of a cucumber seed is applied to decolouration of freckles and from sunburn. Prepare for her{it} on vodka (1:10), 2 weeks insist, filter and before the use dilute with water (1:10). Tincture daily recommends to wipe the person before reception of the necessary effect or to impose for 5-10 minutes a mask, moistening in tincture a layer of cotton wool or a gauze. Подробнее...

Usually the period of storage цветков, leaves and a grass does not exceed 1-2 years, fruits - 2-3 years. And rhizomes 3-5 years are possible to store{keep} a bark, roots. However in domestic conditions not always it is possible to provide optimum conditions of storage (temperature, humidity of air), and it conducts to damage of vegetative raw material. In this case it is not recommended to store{keep} raw material of more year. Подробнее...