Мануальная терапия
- Массаж
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диета и массаж

It is modern interpretation of ancient ritual of "initiation" which there passed all Hawaiian girls who have reached{achieved} a maturity. Elements of massage once were movements of the shaman manipulating the maiden body, and had symbolical sense. Some traditions were kept. Around of a couch two cups (with water and with the ground) and small свечка are put, that should help a unification of forces of the nature for the period of a session of massage. Aromas, aromatic oils, ethnic rhythms and movements - vigorous, smooth, intensive - in a combination to technics{technical equipment} "circulating" - breath fill a body with force and energy. Подробнее...

On last money had densely a snack, have taken a pair of bottles of "Ephesus" - сбрызнуть departure, and have come in the land. The customs house was very formal - have looked in passports, on вещички at all have not looked - pass. What is, people after that with already stamped passports still wandered through "watch" there - here. We anywhere to wander did not begin, were occupied in a cabin and have gone on a forage, to drink in twilight beer and last time to listen to singing муэдзинов. On a slope of a hill behind the city, laid out огоньками, constant portrait Ататюрка shined. On a dam limiting water area of port, lorries - доджи were wound, carried wet concrete plates and dumped them in the sea on the other end of a dam - increased. Farewell, Turkey! Подробнее...