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The sacrament of occurrence of a new life in an organism of the woman was always surrounded by a mystical aura. Not understanding the processes resulting{bringing} by a birth of the child, the mankind for a long time aspired to affect result somehow. Were ordered both the fact of occurrence or absence of the child, and his{its} other qualities (a floor, talents, appearance, career). For help in this delicate process stars were involved, under which there should be a conception or a birth, the certain sacred subjects (recollect shirts which king and queen in novel Дюма should put on), grasses, spirits and spirits. However not always and not at all pairs in itself conception was the blessing. The control over birth rate was necessary already in a primitive society. That is why contraception if to understand all substances and the methods resulting{bringing} in absence of sorts as such, vividly as this term interested mankinds hardly probable not from the moment of occurrence of articulate speech. Подробнее...
More precisely to diagnose and establish a degree плоскостопия it is possible with the help рентгена. The roentgenogram usually do{make} costing{standing}. Lateral pictures show, what bones stops повинны that " the longitudinal arch " became flat and why the head of bones are located incorrectly. Подробнее...