тазобедренный сустав боль
In the decision of these problems{tasks} медико-social value of manipulation in the general{common} improvement of the population will consist not only medical, but also. In this plan important active participation of all interested: doctors (неонатологов and pediatrists, neurologists, orthopedists), parents, tutors of children's preschool establishments, teachers of school, it is especial преподователей physical cultures. To all of them basic knowledge and skills of diagnostics of these functional infringements are necessary for the duly reference{manipulation} to the doctor мануальному to the therapist. Подробнее...
Manipulation not panacea for treatment of all diseases of the опорно-impellent device, including a backbone. Many them нозологические forms are absolute or relative contra-indications. However without exaggeration it is possible to assert{approve}: manipulation - an alternative pathogenetic method of treatment of degenerate - dystrophic diseases of a backbone, components about 90 % in structure вертеброгенных the illnesses shown by numerous neurologic reflex syndromes (цервикалгии, люмбалгии) with functional restriction of mobility in his{its} segments, компрессионными корешковыми and vascular syndromes (цервикобрахиалгии, люмбоишиалгии and, first of all, дискогенной and вертебральнобабазилярной illnesses). Подробнее...