Мануальная терапия
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болят коленные суставы

Our stops much that do not love. For example, high heels. Or weight overloads. Therefore problems with stops quite often arise at people with excess weight or at women during pregnancy. Or when it is necessary the person long and without rest to stand. Sometimes плоскостопие appears, if sheaf stops are weak from a birth. Gradually these of a sheaf weaken more and more, перстают to cope with loading and as a result vaults stop are deformed. Подробнее...

Physiological value фасций in kinematics on new is estimated only now. Was considered, that they are the passive substratum of movement holding muscles and a sheaf in anatomic borders and shock-absorbers carrying out a role. The active role фасций and связок is expressed in realization контрактильности. Only all сократительный process (укорочение) is made much more slowly, than in cross-section - striped muscles. As a result of isolated reduction фасций and связок position of muscles, joints that can be wrongly appreciated as result of activity of muscles varies. In the practical attitude{relation} it means, that muscles simultaneously participate in active stabilization of the device of movement, фасции and a sheaf. Allocation of this active component in structure of volume of movement represents a unsoluble problem{task} because of strong influence powerful cross-section - striped muscles. Подробнее...