Мануальная терапия
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клиника суставы

Special place in a number of the reasons of neurologic conditions of an osteochondrosis of a lumbar department of a backbone the pathological changes of intervertebral disks allocated in separate нозологическую the form « Дискогенная borrow{occupy} illness », as well as « Вертебральнобазилярная illness », having стадийность pathogenetic and clinical displays (professor Sitel A.B. - head ЦМТ the Russian Federation). Подробнее...

With development of manipulation became possible{probable} revealings of early functional infringements опорно=двигательного the device and a backbone at children, since the infantile age, being consequence{investigation} of the transferred patrimonial trauma with functional blocking joints of a head and a basin which underlie infringement of a bearing and so-called идиопатического a scoliosis. In due time to remove these blocks and muscular дисбаланс, to restore balance in system "head - basin" probably only application of manipulation. Elimination of functional blocks of a basin of the woman is not less important, preparing to become{begin} mother and to provide with it атравматическое passage of the child on patrimonial ways. Подробнее...