Мануальная терапия
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заболевания спины

Contraceptive washings and syringings were applied all over the world. The Australian natives prepared contraceptive комки from an extract of a pond and a fukus. On Sumatra and the next islands except for that applied opium. Подробнее...

The very first generalizations in this part to us are unknown. It is possible to assume, as it now occurs in national medicine, pathological changes and medical effect contacted movings, sliding and a tension of fabrics of parts of a human body, including internal bodies. Business врачевателя, thus, was reduced to "репозиции" and to return of the displaced body on a corresponding place. These primitive representations are hardy and now in the medical environment when affirms, that by manipulations it was possible to set five or six dropped out disks of a backbone. For some reason "expert" would not like to recollect, that intradisk pressure is equal to 5-6 atmospheres (due to high intradisk pressure and amortisation function of a backbone is provided). Certainly, that external receptions of manual influence "to set" a dropped out disk (hernia) from the point of view of biomechanics it is impossible. Подробнее...