Мануальная терапия
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томография спины

Physiological value фасций in kinematics on new is estimated only now. Was considered, that they are the passive substratum of movement holding muscles and a sheaf in anatomic borders and shock-absorbers carrying out a role. The active role фасций and связок is expressed in realization контрактильности. Only all сократительный process (укорочение) is made much more slowly, than in cross-section - striped muscles. As a result of isolated reduction фасций and связок position of muscles, joints that can be wrongly appreciated as result of activity of muscles varies. In the practical attitude{relation} it means, that muscles simultaneously participate in active stabilization of the device of movement, фасции and a sheaf. Allocation of this active component in structure of volume of movement represents a unsoluble problem{task} because of strong influence powerful cross-section - striped muscles. Подробнее...

Otherwise, the volume of passive movements in any direction is defined{determined} by the sum of pieces 2+3. Naturally, this volume oversteps the bounds of volume of active movements, but it is less than volume of pathological border of the movement determined by rigid emphasis ЖБ. It is defined{determined} by anatomic borders of system. Подробнее...