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невралгия спины

Strong-willed reduction of a muscle is characterized her{it} укорочением (concentric reduction), a strong-willed relaxation - by lengthening of her{it}. As passive compression of a muscle does not carry pathological character, we are interested with an opportunity of a stretching of a muscle up to elastic and rigid barriers. She{it} is defined{determined} by an additional stretching of a muscle for the account переразгибания in a joint or deformation of a muscle as a zigzag (extent), etc. In norm this reserve is always defined{determined} as additional lengthening a muscle on 5-10 %. Подробнее...

To sit it is necessary on sciatic bones. And not simply to sit, and to balance on these bones. In an ideal the back should not lean{base} on спинку a chair, is especial if спинка not vertical. Low armchairs with "позвоночной" the points of view in general very harmful. The flat seat of a chair should be shorter than a hip that the edge{territory} of a chair did not press on an artery under коленями. The height from a seat up to a floor should бытьтакой that hips settled down in parallel a floor. It is not necessary to put a leg{foot} on a leg{foot}. Подробнее...