травма спины
At early stages, except for мышечно-tonic syndromes, ВБХ it is characterized by functional вегето-vascular subjective semiology without attributes очаговых defeats; dizziness of not system character, "eye" symptoms - фотопсии, "ear" symptoms - noise, звон. Then the persistent, painful headaches caused by infringement of venous outflow, so-called « a morning headache of the day off » join; диэнцефальные пароксизмы - sensation heat, a fever, palpitation, pains in the field of heart; астено-depressive semiology - feeling of melancholy, fear, loneliness; симпато-реналовые crisises, a nausea, vomitting. Подробнее...
The most massive and important element локомоторной systems - skeletal muscles - can be in 4 different functional conditions. It - norm, укорочение, slackness, local миофасцикулярный a hypertone of a muscle (painful{unhealthy} muscular condensation). Подробнее...