Stop and boots at плоскостопов look not how at people with normal stops. Such to stop you will not name "nice". She{it} is longer usual, is flattened ugly out, and in the middle is excessively expanded. Besides stop it is as though developed{unwrapped} by a sole outside (orthopedists name its{her} such characteristic position by "pronation"). Boots are usually ruthlessly worn down at the heels from an internal part of a sole. At people with normal stops heels wear out on external edge{territory}, and socks - on internal. Подробнее...
Massage not only is useful, but also pleasant. Begin it{him} with small pressing by small pillows of fingers, then gradually strengthen loading. Influence on рефлексогенную a zone should not cause a pain. It should be smooth and soft. Massage needs to be carried out{be spent} stops within 5-10 minutes (for preventive maintenance of it quite enough). The best pose - полулежа, having relaxed. The only thing that it is necessary to remember: people with the raised{increased} sensitivity reflex massage receive such surplus of vivacity as though continuously something holds apart them. And quite often such condition comes only in some hours after massage. Подробнее...