Mera-med | .ru |
коксартроз лечениеThe modern concept takes into account mechanisms muscular контрактильности and morbidities, and as фасциально - copular phenomena in formation of convertible impellent frustration where the role of so-called functional blockade of joints admits not deciding{solving}. In other words, primary dysfunction нейромоторного the device of impellent system the predominating place is allocated{removed}. Подробнее... The most interesting concept of this diagram - the elastic barrier УБ determined as пальпаторный a phenomenon, inaccessible tool объективизации. But it is the objective reality revealed in any part of impellent system, it is especially demonstrative in a joint. The physiological sense of an elastic barrier consists in maintenance of brake functions, in protection against the excessive effort, capable to destroy a part of a circuit or all circuit. This function not only by elasticity and elasticity of the fabrics which are taking up external loading, inertial and other forces, but also an active role in maintenance проприоцептивного a stream necessary for normal coordination attitudes{relations} in boundary areas of movement is carried out. Thus, the passive border of movement is represented as biphase mobile process which sense consists in formation of residual deformation of the system acting as the buffer for mitigation of end of movement, i.e. As passive brake or reserve of movement. Подробнее...
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