Мануальная терапия
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артроз коленного лечение

It is natural, that at sharply expressed painful syndrome use of manipulation is limited sparing техниками: a relaxation, тракция, mobilization. At reflex syndromes probably their application and manipulations as monotherapy. Подробнее...

At treatment of patients of the given group the complex approach is applied: manipulation, acupuncture, medicamentous treatment (церебролизин, кавинтон, стугерон, ноотропил, эссенциале, глицин, energizers). Repeated rates of manipulation, observance of a correct impellent mode by the patient are obligatory: an interdiction on extreme turns of a head in the parties{sides}, inclinations forward and back, dream on a stomach, navigation on a stomach. Carrying of fixing soft collar Шанца is recommended ЛФК under the individual program. Подробнее...