Мануальная терапия
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- Пластическая хирургия
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- Гирудотерапия
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близорукость полная коррекция

Vitamin And (ретинол) appoint at кератитах, ксерозе, кератомаляции, burns of eyes, блефаритах, рецидивирующих barleys, degenerations of a retina, an atrophy of an optic nerve. It{him} apply as 3,44 % of a solution to installations and intake; in capsules on 5000 or 33000 ME for intake; intramuscularly (a solution ретинола acetate in oil in the ampoules containing in 1 ml on 25000, 50000 or 100000 ME). Подробнее...

Deep К. on ground of a syphilis, a tuberculosis (fig. 4), a malaria, бруцеллеза differ очаговой or диффузной инфильтрацией deep layers of a cornea without propensity to изъязвлению. Sight is sharply reduced. The provoking moments of development deep К. are traumas of the eyes, the transferred infectious diseases, гипо-and avitaminosises. In complex treatment К. the main place is allocated{removed} to specific treatment of the basic disease. Подробнее...